My excessively detailed answer lol:
I exist to serve the highest needs of others so that all those around me will feel safe, secure, and inspired to live a life of duty and service. I strive every day to lead an unreasonable life of selfless service, gratitude, and honor. It is my prayer that I will inspire others to do the same. I am what I am, and I seek to share my both my successes and failures alike. I am a veteran of the U.S. Army and currently serve in the commercial construction and real estate industry.
WHY - To serve the highest needs of others so that all those around me will feel safe, secure, and inspired to live a life of duty and service.
HOW - I work to accomplish this by striving daily to walk as an honorable servant leader at home and in business. I navigate life with a steady resolve, a smile on my face, and love in my heart.
WHAT - I happen to work in the commercial construction and real estate industry.