@Lee S.
Hi Lee, your correct that there isn't data relative to success outside the HomeVestors system, so obviously hard to make direct comparison between the two. However, what we can do inside HomeVestors is give data to backup the ability to be successful over time, and what a given advertising spend should relate to leads/contracts/purchases in a given area (plus all the other benefits) Nothing is perfect, but in any speculative industry knowledge is power, right, and certainly allows for increase in probability of success.
I wont apologize for stating a fact about someone who spent 7k on advertising without receiving any leads. You see, HomeVestors does have the data relative to how many impressions that should have produced. I can prove, with solid fact, that that investor haphazardly through money into a marketing mailer that was unsuccessful, and expensive. I can't speak about any of Mikes statements, unfortunately, but again suspect likely we also have data to give investors a greater probability of success. With that statement, ill throw out the disclaimer that each office is individually owned and operated, so obviously not all franchisees will be successful (which is also subjective, and certainly "success" is different for everyone)
Again, this post is about someone who had an interest in HomeVestors at at some point and I simply offering the ability for them to reach out to me if they have specific questions relative to that business model. Im more than happy to provide the good, bad, and the "ugly" and allow those interested investors the ability to make a decision on their own.