Less representative mean that each congressperson will care less about any one individual's voice. They have less need for your vote. Thereby diluting our personal power to participate in our government.
Less government participation means more apathy.
This "edict" would reduce an individuals' political voice by 50%
Also who gets to decide who stays?
Following the CEO model, the President has unlimited leverage. The balance of power would weigh in favor of the executive.
In Congress less votes to counter a proposal means more pork is passed without objection and more wasteful spending is proliferated. The individual vote would become more potent and supporters would have to bribe and ply each and every vote. Imagine what ridiculous earmarks would be included in bills?
Also, less people at the wheel of this country brings us one step closer to a dictatorship.
Take less time to come to a decision? To pass a law?
Stalin, Pol Pot and Hitler were quick decision makers. You might consider looking into their models of government
It seems like the founding fathers had some good ideas after all when they set these sorts of things up.