Hi Kristina! Columbus is a great market with a ton of competent professionals to help you on your journey. I use a fantastic property manager and they charge about $85/month for full service property management. I've enjoyed working with them.
Garbage is a separate thing usually. Depending on which city you are in (Columbus or a surrounding suburb), it may be wrapped up in your city utility bill (i.e. with water/sewer in Westerville) or included with prop taxes (Columbus). Either way, it's custom that tenants are either directly responsible for utilities or billed for utilities (usually just water) to reimburse owner. The owner of course would be on the hook for utilities in a shared/common space.
Most of our tenants understand that they are responsible for grass and snow.
Hopefully you never have a "L side" :) A big thing would be to look up the actual property taxes when you're running your numbers. You can find all Franklin County addresses here: http://property.franklincountyauditor.com/_web/sea...
Depending on which city you're in and the nature of your deal, your tax liability could be a higher percentage of your costs than you may be used to.
Any other questions, fire them my way! :)