Section 8 can be a great strategy, but I am also skeptical about a $10,000 house being able to pass without a fair amount of work (beyond just paint and carpet). We have 2 section 8 tenants now and had more when we were in CT. Inspection requirements can vary considerably from one market to the next, so ymmv.
We have bought houses for under $10,000, but they are not section 8 houses and would have needed significant repairs to pass inspection (and we did make significant repairs to them). Our two section 8 houses were about $14,000 and $22,000 initially, including fix-up in the latter case. Median home price in our county is mid $70,000s (closer to $35,000 in the specific neighborhoods).
The $14,000 section 8 property was occupied by a section 8 tenant when we bought it, but had a lot of repair costs at our first section 8 inspection (the building's second). Things had not changed significantly since inspection #1, and this a fair inspector. Apparently inspection #1 was motivated to get the tenant out of a dicey situation, with some "we can worry about that next year" items (and there were no children at inspection #1, there were at inspection #2).