As a licensed Realtor, I think it's definitely worth it for a handful of reasons. First is control! As a realtor, I can control my searches, and if I see a property hit the mls, I can access it right away, and not rely on someone else to fit me into their schedule. That's the biggest benefit, but there are more.
I'd say that having a license obviously helps you save commission when buying or selling properties for yourself, but you can get creative with that. I've done personal deals where I use the commission that I would have received and pay for closing costs on that deal. So I bought the property myself, saved 3% there, and used that 3% to pay for closing costs also. There are rules on how much you can use, but you get my point.
I've heard of agents rolling their commissions into the deal if it's a mutlifamily deal and you are partnering with someone. So you sell a 2 Million dollar multi, which would be about 60k in commissions. Again there are things to look for when doing this, you can own a small part of a 2 million MF building that will grow and cash flow, or you can take a 60k commission.
I don't think anyone can answer this for you, but those are the pros that I see of having a license, and it all does depend on how you use it, how often you'll use it, and what that education is worth to you. Paying $1500 a year for the education you receive as a Realtor and how it applies to investing, is much less than any seminar or coach.
Anyway, that's just my opinion but I hope it helps!
Greg J