Riverdale, the older building stock and particularly if it was under water in the 1913 flood, is closer to downtown. It's getting alot of help from city services as it is a focus demo tipping point neighborhood. .Newer buildingstock came along as you move north. However you dont start to getting awesome for rentals and out of most all D until North riverdale and southern shiloh. This area has some of the most custom, best built smaller residences in the world and they sell for dirt cheap. Its emerging for sure. I count among my tenants a computer scientist and a robotics technician. Avoid buying adjacent to Santa clara. Its tempting cause it's beautiful but that's f. There is d in lower riverdale and only a little along north main in north riverdale.. the only b is low b adjacent to wegerzyn gardens and museums. The seibenthsaler compound on spring creek is notable he owner a square mile there. I own it now, loving my waterfall!