interesting! a friend's household is facing similar drama and ur post came up in a BP search.
while attending college first thing i noticed with housing was that
- Males were never allowed into Sororities, not even as visitors to the Sorority house, even just for study groups etc
-Females were increasingly suing their way into being accepted into all-male Fraternities as residents sharing shower/bathroom etc with all those males
to the point now that Fraternities are functionally 'co-ed' even if they're otherwise all-male, yet Sororities remain uniformly no-males allowed not even to visit. Double standard?
that could be the litigious/precedent reasoning why you have agents claiming you should consider females and their mother or daughter in your male household.
heck, even today I still see small rooming houses advertising as 'Christian home' or 'Male Rooms' - but I can't put a finger on where and if it says anywhere in law that small residential private property and private organizations can choose who they share their roof with based even on gender and maybe even holistic beliefs?!