Originally posted by @Account Closed:
Originally posted by @Account Closed:
I don't trust the post office. SO when I mail checks I literally record me putting them in the envelopes and into the box.
This would never prove anything to anybody. This is why checks are traceable and cancelable. (and so are money orders) And they create their own receipts! You can record yourself doing whatever you want, it doesn't prove you actually gave that envelope or box to the post office. I had a paranoid/dumb tenant who kept sending checks certified mail signature required. He was paranoid that somehow I was going to "screw" him by saying I didn't get the check. I didn't bother to sign for them because I have better things to do, and that made his rent late. So then he started sending them just certified, which isn't cheap...and he has to wait in line to do it every month.
I finally explained to him that those tracking numbers prove nothing except an envelope was delivered. A judge will feel the same way. On the other hand if I cash a check you can obviously prove that I've done that without needing to pay extra, you can also see if I haven't. I then added if he continues this he will need to find a new home...
As a former ebay power seller I saw all the mail scams. People send back empty boxes all the time trying to get a refund while they keep the item. A tracking number doesn't actually prove anything, other than a box was delivered. No way to know what was in the box. And no, tracking numbers aren't very helpful in court, I've been there.
This is why official landlord notices, like evictions, aren't usually required to be sent by certified mail.
Edit: Not sure why my typing is broken up like that, it isn't written that way. This forum software sucks.
You don't think if my lender (seller financing) calls me and says I didn't get your payment and I show him a video of me putting a check into an envelope and into the mailbox AT the post office wouldn't help to prove I mailed it? If I didn't have this evidence, he would say, oh yeah right sure, heard that one before. Make sense now? What you don't understand is any bit of documentation is better than none at all.
There is nothing "tracing" that I put it in the mailbox at the post office.Maybe your tenant was paranoid because you think he is dumb?