Originally posted by @Kesnel Chery:
I would love to start Airbnb some time in the future, but I live in Brooklyn, New York which has strong rules and regulations against STR. I don't mind starting else where, but how should I go about it? Where near me do you think would be more accepting to STR? I was thinking Connecticut, New Jersey or maybe Long Island.
Hey there, fellow New Yorker. Sadly, the Northeast US is really tough for highly profitable STRs bc it's tough to attract year-round guests the way you can in other parts of the country. I mean, look outside right now - it's literally a bomb cyclone. Yep, not our first, not our last. No one wants to vacation in this mess in October, November, March, cold winters, etc.
The highest revenue tends to come in areas with desirable weather year-round, such as the Southeast US, Colorado, Utah, Arizona, California & Hawaii.
Here's some helpful data: