Cash back credit cards are FREE MONEY, the only reason why anyone wouldn’t take advantage of that is because they may not feel they have the personal discipline to make this work in their favor. Pick one card with the highest cash back %, use it to pay all monthly recurring and non recurring expenses (food, restaurants,gas, cable, electric- hell,everything you can) - then make one monthly payment of the balance; rinse and repeat. You won’t get rich but it is money you obtain for doing something you were going to do or are doing; anyway.
The zero % APR - think of that as an interest free loan - you should take advantage of that too. You can extract cash from those cards (not necessarily by cash advance either....) to make those work for you. If you have a small investment you want to make for a 10-12 month period paying, let’s say can pull the money off the card- make the investment, pay the min.- gain your 10% - then pay credit card balance in full at maturity of your investment.