I haven't found most realtors to be unethical but I've found them to clueless. It's super easy to become a realtor and you get to call yourself one after just taking a test. Haven't sold a single house? That's ok! You're a realtor!
In my old profession (CPA) you needed to pass a very hard test (less than 10% pass all the test on the 1st try), work for 2 years apprenticing another CPA and prove 7 competencies to that mentor. Even the appearance of a conflict of interest is enough to get your license pulled. So perhaps I'm biased and expect more but that's my opinion.
As far as being "highly religious" so therefore you have a higher moral code I'd beg to differ. It may apply to you but shouldn't be used as a blanket statement. No where else besides religion can a person be horrible, steal, kill, rape and just beg forgiveness (which they always seem to get) and go about their day all absolved. Secular people don't have that easy out and therefore have always proven themselves to be better people. Good without God.