Hello Fellow BP Members,
A lot of people struggle with raising private money (myself included).In my experience, it’s probably the biggest obstacle that prevents real estate professionals from growing their respective companies.
There is a lot of great information and educational videos/blogs out there that teach how to raise private money. But one thing I have found that is missing out there that is very important is just a view into the psyche of a passive investor.Not just learning from people who have raised money but hearing directly from passive investors on how they approach deals and what they look for.I think there are many of us that could benefit greatly just by simply hearing what investors look for right from the source.
I am in the process of putting together a video interviewing (anonymous) actual passive investors to give real estate professionals a peak behind the curtain of how their minds operate.
I am looking to gain further feedback from professionals who are currently investing passively in real estate deals or have done so in the past.
So what are some of the most important things you (the passive investor) look for before investing in a deal?Is it the management team track record and experience?Is it how your investment will be protected?Market analysis?Financial projections?Trust and/or personal connection?
Also, I am looking to interview additional passive real estate investors (anonymously) so if you are up for a fun/brief interview please private message me.
My hope is to put together a short/free video to help educate passive and active investors alike.
I hope everyone has a great Sunday!
Thanks, Ed