Not much of one to promote any candidate as I try to stay away from politics as much as possible, but I grew up in NYC and have never seen or heard of a politician in our generation that had the leadership skills as Rudy.
When its written of how Rudy cleaned up NYC I don't think most who weren't there really understand how much he cleaned up the city. I can remember major areas of Manhattan where you couldn't have stop your car at a red light without having what they called "squeegy guys" run up to your car and start cleaning your windows (without your permission) and then demand being paid. Most of the time they made your windows dirtier, but they would get very abrasive and threatening to each driver if you didn't pay them. In NYC, you can hit a red light pretty regularly every 1-2 blocks so imagine having to deal with this 10 or more times within a short period of time. Rudy got rid of this problem. As in most cities, there are places where individuals can go to get a meal and have shelter and NYC was the same. Panhandling is one thing, but the squeegy scenario was just a mess.
I can remember walking in Times Square and every street corner at least one prostitute would solicit me and my friends as we waiting for a green light. Didn't matter if I was in a car or not. Rudy cleaned that up.
There used to be a major strip club row near many areas such as Broadway that people would walk by to get to Broadway shows and other attractions. It was extremely sleazy. Rudy got rid of them and brought Corporate America in. Where there used to be strip clubs you know have companies in those locations such as Disney.
Before he was Mayor he was I believe the District Attorney or Assistant District attorney. Want to talk about tough on fighting crime, on multiple occasions he went after John Gotti trying to clean up and get rid of organized crime. Back then the mob ran most things and for a guy to go after them and live it is understood that Rudy was clean and trying to protect the citizens of NY and fear is not in his vocabulary.
Let's not forget that the US needs to be respected to avoid foreign attacks. I still remember the Iranian hostages being released the day that Reagan took office because Iran knew what President could be messed around with and which one they knew wouldn't stand for it. Rudy would be feared by other nations, which is not necessarily a bad thing in today's age of terrorism.
Before Rudy, there used to be major riots whenever there was even the hint of a racial incident, whether it was truly racially motivated or not. Famous activists would get involved and basically put gasoline on the fire and stir up more problems. Rudy kept them at bay and the riots ceased and true justice was sought out.
Rudy was part of closing down the Fresh Kills Landfill. It was the largest landfill on the face of the planet and the largest man made structure on the face of the planet. When the space shuttle was about 600 miles up from the earth the astronauts could view 2 man made structures, the great wall of China, and the Great Kills Landfill. Closing it down did wonders for the environment and the local citizens of Staten Island (one of the boroughs of NYC). It was only temporarily re-opened due to 9/11 as that was the closest place to put all the rumble from the Towers which was later sifted through looking for remains.
The city was in such a mess that many people wanted Rudy to stay in place for the benefit of the city as the attacks happened so close to his leaving the office.
Rudy even crossed party lines in his recommendation for Democratic Governor Cuomo over the Republican candidate who later went on to win the election, showing that he publicly and privately truly gave his opinion and support without worrying about partisan motives doing what he believed best for his constituents.
These were just some of the positive things that Rudy did for NYC.
Keep in mind that Rudy was mayor of a city that on any given business day had over 8 million people in it as many workers would commute daily from PA, NJ, and CT to work mostly in Manhattan. He basically was the leader of the biggest city in the country (a bigger responsibility than that of many Governor's in states of smaller sized populations).
I'm not saying that he never made mistakes, but he is tough, fair and gets the job done.
We live in a 2 party system. Not saying it is right, but it is the reality. I've voted for different parties over the years.
I'm not the biggest Clinton fan. I wasn't too happy when Hillary made the move to NY strictly for political motives when running for Senator. I'm not saying that good things didn't happen during the Clinton Presidency, but let's keep in mind that the internet and technology revolution hit during that Presidency, the country was going to be prosperous no matter who held the executive office. Let's not forget Whitewater and some of the other unmentionables that went on during that Presidency though.
Anyway, didn't mean to write so much, just giving some facts and some opinions.
The truth is I respect all opinions as that's what makes this country so great, the fact that we can freely express our opinions.