Originally posted by Bill Gulley:
Hey, back to the loan mod. I just thought that there is no reasone some of us on here could put that together and confront lenders with the option. Anyone interseted? Bill
The problem here is that individual banks do not own the loan. They service the loan(collect the payment). They are just like a mortgage broker (did you know banks get paid a yeild spread just like MB?) other than the fact they collect the payment and send the proceeds to the investment firm pooling the loans(Fannie,Freddie or Ginnie Mae).
The exception is a local bank that "Portfolios" the loan (keeping it in ther possesion.
The note that was sold by the originating bank is divided into many different peices and put into various pools. This is why it takes so long to get a short sale approved. The rep. for the investors has to approve the discount.
In my opinion any upfront mod fees are suspicious, I've seen more than a few taken this way.