@Jacob Merritt Welcome to BP!
I read most of the comments and I agree with what @Caleb Heimsoth have said thus far.
If you ask for advice, then the wise thing to do is FORCE YOUR BRAIN to stay open while you collect other peoples' thought (keep the intel you like and discard the others you perceive as garbage).
I, for one, won't try to encourage you (or anyone, for that matter) to stay in college.
Let's analyze a couple of things you've said:
(1) "The problem is I’ve yet to feel truly happy with what I’ve done with my life"
Happiness has nothing to do with Real Estate Investing, happiness is a STATE of MIND. PLUS, dude, you are 19 years old! Give yourself a break.
TIP: Go watch some GaryVee videos on Insta.
(2) "A big influence on my decision is the fact that I will no longer have to worry about my student loans going forward"
You have started already so you still have student loans (maybe dropping out now will reduce your debt I guess is what you're saying).
Take a helicopter or global view to this, there are BILLIONS, yes billions of people who cannot access college education of any type of education (almost off-topic - but its something to think about, honestly)
(3) Am I being too ambitious?
No, you might be a tiny whiny naive though BUT that is FINE and that is why gathering some humility on your success journey and forcing your brain to listen sometimes will help you a ton.
You quit university, yay!!!! #Freedom
You get your license
You join your local brokerage
You start showing homes to retail clients
You realize that the grind isn't what you thought it will be (you hate it basically, for whatever reason)
You have ONE bad day, you say: I’ve yet to feel truly happy with what I’ve done with my life
Life is fascinatingly one interesting place.
Oh, my advice to you: happiness is typically mistaken with pleasure, so fully appreciate the difference. College might not be pleasurable today, but the fruits of it might be in the future (but I know, the future is too far away!). I know! BUT, that's why you should ponder on these thoughts from a random guy on BP.
NB: I went to Medical School and have a Masters from Business School. I write SQL, a programming language, I love design, I, apparently, write long comments on the BP forums, lol and I invest in Real Estate. Go figure!
Did my degrees play a pivotal role in my life and my success? You best believe it.