I have been to all of Eddie Speed's courses. Paperscource, and Noteworthy symposiums will get you further down the road. Find a good attorney and pay him to help you get started and stay close to home to begin with. Discounted non performing notes are fun to deal in but are not for the faint of heart. My partner and I purchased 91 notes in our first purchase. 18 different states and we new nothing. Eddies seminar's helped us a great deal. I think that if I had gone there first, I would not have purchased the notes we did and look at what we would have missed out on.
I have found that Tom Henderson, The Note Professor, provides excellent material on Time Value of Money. You can google him H&P Capital Investments. He has a Note buying hand book and a monthly newsletter for a reasonable cost.
Papersource has good education at a reasonable price and their symposium is a great place to learn and network.
Bottom line, learn and enjoy. The thirty thousand that you will spend on a boot camp or seminar is better spent on buying a note. Find out what your pain tolerance is and then execute.
You will win some, lose some and break even on some. Main thing is that is fun. I today's environment, you can drive down the street and look at the property from the comfort of your home and can search on comparable sales at the same time.