@Cameron G. I've specialized in rent to own (RTO) for over 20 years and although I've never personally used it to househack it can work very well for that.
1. Best way to find them is to contact For Sale By Owner's, Expired Listings, and For Rent By Owner's (in that order). As @Luka Milicevic mentioned you can go for active listings, but the rejection rate makes it my last choice.
2. You can get a much better deal on an RTO than you can from any conventional lender.
3. Lots. And lots and lots. Both as the tenant/buyer and as the landlord/seller. I've made tons of money.
4. Everything's negotiable. Sellers are typically more willing to give a discount on price over a rent credit of similar total value and that's better for you because it means you have instant equity instead of having to build it over time. There are also a lot of nasty financing laws that make rent credits tricky.
5. You can do multifamily or single family and rent out rooms. Single family will be easier to find because there are a lot more of them and cheaper for everything from payments to maintenance, also easier for a new investor to handle.
6. In the case of RTO it's just simple subletting and yes I've done it many times.