Yes, the job of the wholesaler is to mostly market and find the great deals. If you are just going to essentially rely on being noting but a wholesaler for quite sometime. @Rob Douglas you've found everything you need to focus on right here in this thread..
1) Motivated Sellers
2) Buyers List (aka. Flippers / Landlords / etc. who will purchase your contract from you and give you your cut).
Building the team (in my humble opinion) is something you should do if you plan on becoming more than a wholesaler, but it never hurts to have your own friendly title company that you can go to and have them search title for you once you've gotten the contract signed and in-hand. Also... if you get friendly with reputable contractors and investor-friendly agents, you'll have more ammunition to help market your deal to your buyers list.
The contractors can come by and give you more accurate numbers on repair costs... and the agents can give you your comps.
On the flip side to that... like @Doug W. sort of eluded to... if your buyers list has their own team already, their own contractor, etc. that they frequently do business with, then your contractors numbers and estimate will more than likely be different than your teams numbers (could be a drastic swing or a small difference).