Others have mentioned capex. Figure it out for this property. What is the remaining useful life of the major systems, determine replacement cost and you can calculate an approx monthly capex.
Prop mgmt will not be 10% of gross rents. It will be 1 months rental fee plus 10% of rents plus 1/2 months rent as lease renewal fee. You will pay 15%+ over the long run. In my experience, you will have more frequent and more expensive repairs when using a pm.
What is the health of the hoa? Read up on the h3ll that an hoa can/will put you through. Never again for me....
You will have vacancy, even the most in demand property will at times.
Speaking of which, you will have turnover costs. Trust me, you will spend $500 minimum on minor repairs and touchups every time a tenant moves out.
I will also challenge your assumption that a mil base 30 minutes away will supply constant tenants. Not sure which of our bases this is near, but there are SFRs for rent at comparable prices within 30 mins of each of our bases.
Appreciation will not bail you out either. There is too much land in eastern north carolina. Remember 2004 when this place was built....that will repeat itself and a developer will throw up another townhouse community. Brand new properties will trade for the same $$ as yours. Exception may be if this is in a community with draws other than military: coastal, golf, etc
Others have pointed out that at best you will get 5% cash on cash and won't get your money back for 14 years. If you are comfortable with such low returns, you could just lend the entire 145k to me for 6%, 30 year am, 15 year balloon and your $$ will be much safer (Mods: that was not a solicitation- just trying to prove a point)!!
On a serious note, why invest so far frrom home when you have that kind of cash. Ever thought of lending short term to others?
@Heather Ippolito