@Michael Quarles HAHAHAHAHAHA
Anyway, I feel like the question is framed from the P.O.V. of the seller being some kind of victim, you just took something that is definitely subjective, which is a natural part of every single wholesale deal. Ever. Turned it into a bad thing, and attempted to command sympathy...? from the reader.
I guess "...to each, their own..." comes into play here, If you don't feel comfortable dealing with "low-balling", then yes, perhaps a different niche would be more your modus operandi.
I don't think Low Balling Sellers is a normal part of wholesaling.
Driving for Dollars, Yellow Letters and other Direct Mail Campaigns, Handing out business cards at Home Depot, Driving down to the Courthouse, developing relationships with and finding people you need to know to get you where you need to go. Cold-Calling Absentee-Owners, getting REAL comfortable with the word "No." and having people you've never met before telling you to "Go F yourself" Stressing out when you haven't gotten a deal yet, and you feel like you're running out of Time, Resources, and Motivation to try to get this deal done.
These are all examples of Normal Parts of Wholesaling.
Then, one day..
The phone rings, your heart-rate increases, your palms get sweaty, you grab your notes, Your script, your ARV's, Your Comps, Your Contract, Your PSA... You start talking to this person.
This person is definitely not normal. The conversation that you are about to have, not normal. As a matter of fact, for some people, this conversation and the events that follow, can be LIFE-CHANGING. Some people are at their closest point to giving up before they land their first deal.
Then you talk to somebody who WANTS to sell their house.
They probably will sell it for "not that much"
This is where Subjectivity and Perspective come into play. Big Time.
Let's not forget the fact that Fair Market Value is an estimate of the market value of a property, based on what a knowledgeable, willing, and unpressured buyer would probably pay to a knowledgeable, willing, and unpressured seller in the market.
Or The price at which Buyers are willing to Buy and Sellers are willing to Sell in Today's Market.
So What is Fair?
Whats your Market like today?
What do YOU consider to be valuable?
When you buy something, do you care about the price?
If its not an investment, or you're not worried about getting a deal that much, probably not.
If this sounds like you, then You, my friend, are The Perfect Buyer!
"Doesn't matter what the price is, just ring it up!"
And if that's you, cool.
But I think most people, especially in Today's World, are incentivised by profits. Or at least a Good Deal.
If it's a Win-Win, I don't see a loser.
If the Motivation is there, it makes sense financially and everyone walks away happy, then nobody was low-balled.