The believe the previous post by Matt Devincenzo is very sound. I would only add that your local building department will have the final say in most cases. Local state, county and city codes, land use, city planners and finally the inspectors are what will make or brake the ability of the final product to be used.
My suggestion would be, in addition to the above, to go to the local building department where you plan to try this. Get to know the people in planning, start to find out which ones think in a progressive, sustainable manner. Ask them lots of questions. The more you know those people and the more conversations you have with them, the better prepared you and they will be to go through the process.
Also, I would check with LEED and other like organizations to see if they have already done the footwork to get your specific materials approved and where they have done that. It could save you much work up-front.
Good Luck! and keep us in the loop. I would love to hear how it all works out. Here in western Oregon we love sustainable, in-expensive building materials.