Hi Bp Community just want to share something that happen to me recently. This is mainly for those who are thinking of investing in real estate and never really get it going, and i want to say I'm guilty of it myself. Always making excuses and always saying tomorrow I'm going to start, then that tomorrow never comes. Why is that? For me, I was too comfortable in my job, making decent money, good working hours and being in the medical field that has high demand i felt good. Then new management comes in and start making so many changes that don't make sense and next thing i know I'm terminated! It was a shocker for me, it left me spinning, questioning myself what did i ever do wrong? I've always been one of the highest performers, what happen? and well to make it short, my conclusion was " I was not doing things right" "I failed my self and my family for relying on outside sources to take care of us"
This time going forward I am more committed than ever to pursue my journey in investing and never again rely on things that are not in my control dictate my well being.
So for those who are staring ****GET TO IT*** having a job risky.
Thanks and best of luck!