Never buy a car from a used car salesman - They are all scammers.
Never hire a coach - They will only take your money and not teach you anything.
Never go to a mechanic - they will all rob you blind.
Yes, there are a boatload of dishonest people in EVERY industry (whether they take ethics courses or not). It doesn't make the entire sector bad or wrong. Those of us who work honestly with full disclosure to sellers and buyers may be a minority, but we do exist.
The real truth is that most new wholesalers are blinded by guru hype and too ignorant to know any better. The ones who take it seriously as a business will do their homework, and set up their businesses in a hundred percent aboveboard way.
Are there too many dishonest people out there and too many ignorant people out there? Of course there are. Just like in every other business that has the potential to make a lot of money.
How about we stop bashing and start educating?