I viewed a property today and made an offer within an hour or two afterwards. Through talking with the realtor (the listing agent) I found out that it is heir property and the heir just wants out. I made 2 offers. One deeply discounted with conventional financing and all the inspections along with a few contingencies. Also one with seller financing slightly below asking price with favorable terms. To my surprise the realtor asked if I mind that she present the offer verbally. Why would she want to do that? I sent my offer with brief explanation as to how I arrived at the numbers to her via email so there wouldn't be any confusion in wording. Something I've done before. It would have been very easy to copy and paste to a buy sell agreement. Should I have said no to her presenting verbally?
FYI I did say yes to it but asked for 2 things. #1 that she forward my email to them after speaking with them since I basically wrote it up as a letter of intent just as I would if for sell by owner. #2 I asked for a response within 24 hours so that I didn't create a bidding situation. One where they hang on to my informal offer for a period of time while waiting to see if something better comes along.