hey Dominick, i am in the same situation as you are. i work a crazy job, usually 50-60 hours a week as well. i also went ahead and got my real estate license. I was fortunate enough to find a school that offers night classes. it was two nights a week, 4 hours each night for about 3 months. i was able to complete the course and get my license and now i work part time as a realtor in spartanburg. it is not easy doing real estate part time as you there is so much to learn once you get your license. It also puts you at a disadvantage when it comes to growing your business because you are not able to network as much as the full time agents. it's not impossible its just takes alot of work. i started my post licensing classes just last night so i can get that out of the way. i too want to leave my job and do this full time, i'm just not in a position to do so financially just yet. It is possible to do it you just have to make that sacrifice and give your all. As far as books you can always check out the millionaire real estate agent by Gary Keller.
hope it works out for you.
Good luck