I'm 73. I don't plan to replant timber that takes decades to grow. Repairing the clear cut and preparing the land for row crops that can be harvested one or more times a year makes more sense to me.
What makes even more sense to me is to "grow farmers" and to "cultivate entrepreneurs" like I and other missionaries to Haiti have already done. Because that nation is so corrupt, and 90%+ of the economy is tied directly to Haitian Voodoo, "regular wage-paying jobs are virtually non-existent.
Training members of churches to become profitable entrepreneurs who run their businesses by practicing Bible-based principles who can support their families, and later hire relatives or friends, makes for good citizens and builds local communities.
In one village of 800 people and their (former) voodoo witch-doctor, we've built a school, a community meeting building, a church building, and financed the salaries of a principal and eight teachers teaching 300 village children... All with the profits of 3 small broiler houses we trained farmers to build and manage over a seven year period.
I see no reason a similar venture can't be done here in the states on 3 times the land.
I hope to offer local congregations in my county, the opportunity to invest capital and/or to barter labor or services as "partners" who want to come alongside single women and children.
"Making money" is highly to be desired, but making a significant difference in the lives of families and developing local communities promotes freedom and love for one's neighbors. This kind of "good work" can provide multiple, on-going "dividends", streams of inc ome, and many other intangible rewards.
It also develops relationships that "earn" the privilege of sharing the Truth Who "draws me" and Who compels me to be a Servant and Friend to everyone who seeks answers for the unanswered questions that frustrate them.
"Life", and that abundantly, is personally obtainable, not just something the "world" says someone should "get".