Let me give you a commercial agent's perspective of what we deal with so you can put together the most helpful approach to get them on your side.
When I meet a new client, the vast majority of them aren't quite sure what they need or are looking for. When I already have a client who knows and trusts me, I know they can act quickly on a deal and will treat me fairly during the transaction. With a new investor I don't have the same certainty. If you can convince them of your decisiveness you will be at a huge advantage. This works to your benefit as well.
A majority of people I speak to want to get a non-exclusive agreement with me and it is very much a matter of if you can't commit to me, why would I commit to you? Commercial agents get cut out of deals waaaaay more than residential agents, so we need to know you're not looking to be cheap, that you value our services and can commit to paying us.
I'm not saying you haven't done all of this, but again you will be amazed at how many people want to use us to pay nothing to get everything.