Honestly, you can spend a lot of time trying to find the right deal to make work with a little bit of money or you can spend that time on finding a way to have access to cash and go from there. I would work on solving the underlying problems in this equation, because compounding $5k doesn't get you very far.
Find a real estate investor or broker and offer to work for them in your off time. If they don't want to hire you, offer to work for free and bust your *** for a month then revisit the compensation. Find out if they will give you a small equity piece in deals you bring to them or pay you some amount of cash. This is something you should be able to do after your regular job.
I started 3 years ago with $10k and through hard work and a lot of good mentors am now flipping commercial buildings as my main source of income and own a commercial real estate brokerage. You can do it, just make sure you tackle the right problem.