Sooo... I'm not a big beer drinker.... so I browsed the internet and sort of mimicked a letter I found... any comments?:
July 1, 2013
Dear Happy & Satisfied RenterFace:
Your residence has come under new ownership/management; we represent Happy Cash Flow Lover, the new property owner.
We would like to take this opportunity to introduce ourselves and the primary rental policies we use when working with our tenant residents. Our contact number is Please call this number regarding any and all concerns you may have. Our business address is xxxx.
On-Time Payments: Payment is due by the 1st of each month.
Late Fees: As per your tenant agreement, there will be a $50.00 late fee charged for any payments received after the due date, and a $25.00 per day charge following each day thereafter. We will begin legal proceeding on the 5th of the month if we still have not received payment.
Pay Online: For your convenience, we accept online payment of rent. You will receive an email with directions on how to set up your account with us. You will use this system for payment of rents each month. Your payment must be processed on the 1st of the month in order to be avoid paying late charges. If the 1st falls on a weekend, the payment must be processed before the 1st.
Repairs & Maintenance: Upon the original purchase inspection, we noted several repairs that need to be made. These repairs will be scheduled with you directly, and upon completion, a walk-through inspection will be completed, with a new move-in report being filled out to reflect these updates. You are responsible for the upkeep and maintenance on the property’s interior, exterior and lawns. For any and all repairs, you are responsible for the first $25 per request. As may be the case, we may schedule future property inspections on behalf of the owner to ensure the property is maintained in a satisfactory condition.
Contact Information: We encourage you to contact us with any questions you may have at the following: Please make payments to our online portal at:
Thank you in advance for your cooperation in this management transition.
Oh Joyous Occasion Of Cash Flow Management Team