I am a convicted felon in nj. Although my conviction was in 2003 ( which i served 5 1/2 yrs in prison and 5 yrs on parole after release) it seems like i'm always going to be a covicted felon. My current job is telecommunications technician. My current employer didn't seem to be bothered by my conviction. I have remained out of trouble for the last 11 years since my release and am looking to switch careers because of a car accident and subsequent injury. 17 years have past since my conviction and 11 since my release. I finished parole 6 years ago.
so my question is this: Before i spend money on an education and real estate licensure, is there any way for me to be denied on the basis of that felony.
I've never denied who i am or what i did. I always tell the truth when asked about it because now it's part of my identity. a quick google search will bring it up. But I feel like I shouldn't be limited because of something that happened so long ago.
If there is anyone from nj that can shed some light on this situation, or anyone with advice, it will be greatly appreciated.