@Tyler Austin I'm sure you can find a place that may need a little bit of work, but not a full fledged renovation. Just keep looking and trying to network with others on the site and you'll eventually find a place. Just keep after it and don't let analysis paralysis set in.
I'll shoot you a PM with the numbers on my two units. As far as the lease goes I took the leases I had signed in the past as a tenant and sorted through all of them picking out what I would like to be in my lease and built it from there. I'm sure the state has some sort of template, but I haven't researched up on it.
As far as the podcast is concerned I appreciate the thought, but I've listened to a few people on the podcast that are in the military and have done much more than I have. Maybe someday though!
I'm also on Eglin as well. I'll shoot you my number in the PM as well and we can definitely meet up sometime.
@Lindsay Stewart I actually am planning on visiting Melbourne while I'm in Australia! I'm sure I'll be inebriated much of the time haha, but I'm sure we can meet up. You can fill me in on all the places to visit and we can talk a little investing. I'll shoot you a PM when I find out exactly when I'll be in Melbourne, thanks!