@Ashley Wright
Disagree with what people have said.
Use a property management company.
Learning how to analyze deals, find off market, negotiate with contractors,
Raise funds etc. Is where the money is at.
NOT managing rentals.
If you have time and not a lot of excess cash it’s ok to manage the first few to save some money and learn some things but you will most likely make costly mistakes so even that may not be a good idea. Propert management is a business. Must treat it as such. I’d rather have a surgeon perform my procedure than someone who read a book and is doing it to save money.
Plus the PM will be your key person to discuss with before pulling the trigger on a property. How much do houses rent in that area, are the tenants easy to manage? Where would they recommend buying?
Learn how to leverage.
OTher people’s money
Other people’s time
Other people expertise/knowledge.
Sure you can spend your time learning everything but we only have so much of that.
Time and money are the only things one can spend. Choose how you spend them wisely. For me, and high level investors I know, it is not self managing. Unless that is another business you are in.