@Dan Johnson, I noticed above that you asked @Fay Chen a question and never got a response from her. My guess is that if you do not specifically tag her as I just did here, she is unlikely to have ever seen your question unless she is following the thread. By tagging someone, if they have their settings correct, they will get a notification from BP that they were mentioned and be able to respond a little easier, otherwise are unlikely to see the response or question. To tag someone, you simply type the @ symbol, immediately followed by their name and after typing in a few letters of their name (exactly as it appears in their original post) there will appear a pop up or prompt below where you are typing their name, select that prompt and it will add their entire name and highlight it in blue with the @ symbol as a leading character. Once it pops up in blue, you know they will get the notice that they have been tagged. If it isn't blue, chances are they will not get a notice.
in this case, I am kind of interested in Fay's response, so I hope she will tag me back when responding. It took me a while to figure out the tagging process, so I hope this helps in the future and good luck with your future endeavors.