Hello Johnmichael, You said:
"The largest sector in America makes between $20,000 to $29,000 per year and our poverty level is at around $19,000 per year and this is what they are willing to spend each year on:
Eating out $1,483
Alcoholic Beverages $247
Tobacco $324
Entertainment $1,517
Let's see $3,571
However, the average person is only willing to spend $95 per year on education!
WOW what has more value eating out, alcoholic beverages, tobacco and entertainment or education?"
Along with what you stated above is the fact that "delayed gratification" is lost. They also put themselves in a poverty mode by buying expensive, high end products instead of waiting till they build their RE success. Thus, the financial strain brings them to the poverty level.
I was taught that whatever you want, you need to earn it. With that in mind, my success is built on the principle of work for what you want. You work your business and then reap the rewards as you go.