@Oscar Wright of course! Skip tracing is simply the act of looking up someones contact information, usually an address or a phone number. This is usually used when a simple search of the counties website is ineffective.
The easiest way to find out who owns a property you find while D4$ is to look at your counties auditors website. Just Google, "________ County auditor." Where the _______ is the county in which you are D4$. This is public information, isn't that awesome! Just find the "search by address" feature and look up the properties that you jotted down while driving. Now where I live there are two types of addresses available. One being the Mailing Address and the other being the Owner Address.
The mailing address is where the tax bills go to from the county. This may or may not be the actual homeowners address. If they have a lien (mortgage) usually whoever is financing it is listed with their address as the Mailing Address.
The Owner Address is where you would look in this situation. You might see John Smith, 123 Main St, blah-blah, blah. You look at your notes and you are looking for the person at this address! So you send Mr. Smith a letter, or a post card, or use an app, etc to contact him to see if he is a motivated seller.
The above example is a broad overview of what you might find. Many different variable might come into place where it is not exactly as I have described it above (might be owned by a business or an LLC, etc). However this should help you get started!