@Joshua Williams - reformed introvert here.
So 64 units is a different game than even a 5 units. Yes its commercial but when you add in the fact that you don't have the equity to take it down on your own you are getting into partnership,JV, syndication world.
You also mentioned you don't know the next steps on how to finance it and raise the equity.
I would say your next step is to educate yourself. I know that's the go in 1 ear and out the other answer. However in order to raise money, finance it and ultimately run it you do need to know if you have a good deal on your hands. I know it can be exciting to actually get a seller on the phone and have them want to sell an off market property to you. But you do need to understand the mechanics of this 64 unit machine start to finish.
You have the equity structure set up (down payment, initial capX needs, reserves) partnership and returns structure set up with within your OA, your operating agreement with your investors. That does mean you need to raise money and in order to raise money you need to know how you are going to set this up. Also how many investors will you need? Do you have access to a capital network that can be one funder or many?
Then you have the debt financing, you need a loan. is this a bridge loan or a perm loan. Both of these debt arms will ask you where your equity is coming from and thus you go back to step 1 the equity.
Then you pull that off and you had to know this was a good deal from the numbers on a 64 unit deal and the capital needs in order to pull off your business plan. Which take you to the step before step 1 which is, is this actually a good deal and are you able to understand that it actually is a good deal.
My parting advice first is Kudos!, you are an introvert who contacted an owner and got them to give you a price. You have conquered what people that are educated cant pull off or are not willing to pull off which is to a seller. Sounds like you are less of an introvert or an inner extrovert fighting to come out.
But now you need to make sure you can pull all this together before you enter into what I call the tommy boy stage. Dont rush into this on excitement only to tommy boy it. Search pretty little pet tommy boy on youtube.
Now there are good education programs and I am not going to point you to one so you know my post is authentic. Go get educated and then take down 64 unit deals. Or find someone that knows how to figure out if the deal is a good one and you get put into the deal and get a small finders fee and get to say you found a 64 unit.
Good luck