Originally posted by @Mike B.:
Hey everyone , I'm new to the forum and i've enjoyed the vast amount of education that Bigger Pockets has to offer . My question is , Im looking for 24-50 Unit Multi-family apartment complexes , the market is over priced and anything that comes up isnt even close to making a 15-22 % ROI . What should I do , save cash and Wait till the market stabilizes a little in a year or 2 ( hopefully ) or invest in a different department like retail commercial that may yield 8-10 % ROI ? I have multiple retail buildings and i have been wanting to invest in larger multi-family units for quite some time . Where should i look for deals , Off market ? Drive areas , look for address and write them ? Contact every Broker ? Loopnet ? I know the answer may be to do all of them but I run a few business and that is my main concern so i cant invest too much time from that and affect my primary income. Any Thoughts
Mike, I would say look into syndication in the meantime. If you are not wanting to invest passively, I would start to build relationships with brokers that focus on the 24-50 units. Loopnet can help with this but you will pay top dollar.
I would build strong relationships with brokers, go to your local meetups, and cold call.
Meetups can help a lot when it comes to building relationships with small owners, even large owners some times.
They are out there.
You just have to hunt!
looking forward to your success!!