The original question was about Michael Blank's Nighthawk; I have no opinion about him or his deals, though his name has come up many times.
But then someone decided to besmirch my mentor, Brad Sumrok! So this may be a little bit defensive, I apologize. I met Brad in 2010, me knowing near nothing about RE. I am a engineer and had some available savings to invest. After seeing the MF presentation, I liked the math and jumped in as an LP. Brad provided the training to become sophisticated and the network to meet more GP than I could imagine. This allowed me to go FAST! There have been a few horror stories, but the training and discussion in the group have helped me work past the issues, for instance, I became the GP on a couple occasions.
To date, I've entered 50 MF deals, 14 of those have sold and 4 have gotten supplemental loans, returning more than my initial investment - a friend pointed out, I'm playing on the house! I continued working for about 6 years, but the alternate income was a very convenient feeling (just in case!). I recall a discussion before learning about RE, where I said I could control my expenses, but I could not control my income; RE changed that.
In summary, Brad has made me more wealthy than I ever expected. As my wife worked for an airline, so I phrase it "We moved from a coach retirement to a first-class retirement". I can't say other Mentors are worse! I can't say one has to have a mentor. But a mentor will move you up the curve so much faster! And it is comforting to know that Brad, having started in 2002, looks over the deals.
You have to work out the Mentor cost-benefit for your self! Mentors are not charities!
Inside the Sumrok Network, there are hundreds of folks, who are current deal sponsors and potential deal sponsors. The big advantage to me is that I get to meet the vast number of them and "go shopping" for leads. I find the leads, then wait for them to send a deal and look at that. Currently, I seem a couple deals a week.
Some random comments about MF (which are worth what you are paying for them):
* I have attempted to create a "MF Ladder", similar to a bond ladder that old folks used to have. Every year a few sell and I buy a few. Three have sold so far this year and three more may sell. Two of those may push until next year. I think MF is better than bonds!
* It is true LPs have limited control: I don't have control over the sales - very true! I have some control on the purchase, but not much as it may slip. If you have to be in control, be a GP or stay in SF.
* The goal "I want $10K/month passive income" cause me some pause. I'm not sure I have that from cash-on-cash (CoC) distributions (I'm close). But if I include the sales, I may see $40K/mo or thereabouts, but a lot of it in big lumps.
* The CoC may or may not happen, so think of this as vacation money, not eat'in money. On one deal we had two guys in two cars hit two buildings in a week and drive off. Most of the Sumrok group deals do not have a Preferred Return. We can have a math debate on this, but if a deal is struggling, it won't be paying.
* The investment is long-term and illiquid. The normal Sumrok group deal is "3 to 5 years". Be sure you don't need the funds for a while. I got into about 3 deals each year for the first five years. It was about year 5 when the sales started.
* Returns were about 100% in the past ($200K total returned for $100K invested), but have drifted down to an expectation of 70% to 80%. As I have seen 180% when the expected was 100%, I have hope that I will still see some home-runs.
* Total return is the sum of CoC and the pop at the end. So for $100K invested and 10% CoC on a 5 year deal with 80% total return, the deal is saying you should expect $10K each year (likey $2.5/quarter) and about $30K at the end, in addition to your $100K returned.
* I like to consider IRR, the measurement that takes time value of money into account. Money returned sooner is more valuable. The IRR is effectively the annualized rate of return. I look at it getting in, but I like to use it as a figure of merit after the deal to which deals were the better deals.
To be clear, I do NOT work for Brad. I do volunteer at many of his events - if you should come, say hi!
Charles LeMaire