Understanding my "Why". I got started recently also after many years as an executive in the corporate arena. I agree it can be a challenge to stay motivated. I've quickly learned that this business (as most things in life) isn't as easy as some people or "marketing" promotions attempt to lead you to believe. However, because of my "Why" I keep going. Most days I spend as many hours (10+) as I did as an executive to get things done for other's business, then some days I don't. The big difference now is I'm building my own business (doing it for myself not someone else---one of my "Whys") and have quickly developed an enthusiasm for the RE business, the challenges and the opportunities I envision. I look your successes, no mater how small along the way, take satisfaction in those and use them for motivation. Don't count hours, count achievement of tasks/objectives. Also connect with liked-minded, success oriented people for motivation and insight. There is much to learn and do to be a success (however you may define it) in the RE business.
Good luck, keep pushing and continued success to you!