base your offer of the income that the multi unit produces instead of the listing price net operating income/ cap rate should give you a fair offer price that would be good for you. Most times the sellers sell their multi unit property based off of future income potential instead of the actual income that it should be based off. Read abcs of real estate by Ken Mccelroy before you purchase this property it will open your eyes to so many things and it will quite honestly save you thousands of dollars and headaches. Do yourself a huge favor and read that book. also is your cash flow number also taking into consideration the monthly mortgage payment as well because the 50% rule usually doesn't account for the mortgage payment. Good luck keep me updated
are the utilities in the tenants name or the landlords name.
Please keepme updated I'm new but I would love to help you out on this and make sure you have two sets of eyes on this deal so you get a good deal