@Eric Telese I don't disagree with Steve Santacroce's methods for finding good property managers. Most long distance investors don't have the luxury of attending local REIA meetings to perform due diligence on PM's. At the time I was investing, (2007,08,09) the leader of the Rochester REIA was not the most stellar example of Integrity. As I mentioned before, some of the worst PM's were referrals from other investors. Thing is they all start off good until they are not (actually some are just bad right out of the gate). I consider them all bad until they prove themselves otherwise. My approach is to keep PM's on a very short leash so they cannot use my property as an ATM. They cannot make any repairs over $200 without contacting me first. I reserve the right to use my own contractor\handy man for any repairs that need to be done because often there is a premium for using the PM's repair service. I want pictures of any repair work that a PM says needs to be done. There is more and I mention them in my previous posts on the matter awhile back.
@Llewelyn A. I wonder if the Rebecca you speak of is Rebecca Casey?