@John Weidner Usually with my searches in my areas I'm evaluating about 20-35 properties/day, and I make offers on 2-6. I have to offer on (roughly) 40-50 properties to get 1 offer accepted. It takes me about 1-2 minutes to comp each property- usually in total it's an hour or less each day.
Yeah the automation part is absolutely key. Here's my process:
1- run MLS searches
2- copy and paste MLS results in unformatted text format into a spreadsheet
3- sort the results by subdivision
4- run the comps for each one
5- figure an ARV number for each one
6- use my formula of 73% ARV less 55,000 repairs to automatically calculate the offer on each on *I will adjust repair number down to 48,000 for townhouses and up to 60-65k for larger properties or ones that need a lot of work
7- put in offer instructions for each one
-send to assistant-
8- have my virtual assistant (found on odesk) access my spreadsheet through google drive (all my stuff is done through google drive)
9- asst will use a program called 'pdfill' to populate the date, address, and offer price in my offer template (offer template is a completed offer with everything signed and filled out except for those couple of fields I just mentioned) *takes about 30-60 seconds to fill this out
10- asst sends offer in to email address or website listed on the spreadsheet