The question posed was "are Republicans racist?".
The answer is yes, SOME are. And YES, some democrats are as well. The fact remains that racism does still exist but it's hidden within ALL branches of the government and society. I am a strong believer that people will show you who they are... eventually. Whether it be Reid or Biden, those who harvest this hatred will ultimately "slip up" and reveal the core of how they really feel.
Those who voted for Obama because of the color of his skin should be considered racist for not choosing someone because of the color of their skin. If you choose someone because they are black, then you didnt choose someone because they were white. This is racist.
Those who say that Obama won only because he is black should be considered racist. That is a racist statement from someone who cannot accept the fact that a black man beat a white man.
For me personally, I pushed for Romney. When Romney didnt make it, I had to choose between two individuals. Not a white person and not a black person. So me, a person who voted for Romney, decided to chose to vote for Obama over McCain. I did not vote this way because of his skin color, I voted because Obama promised changes during a time that needs change and McCain said nothing except for his beliefs that Obama wasnt the right guy and told me all about Joe the plumber. He told me nothing he wanted to change. My point is that people are not even considering the notion that Obama could have won because he was a better candidate than McCain, that people like him for what he said or merely because people didnt like McCain.
Sure, Obama may be making a bad situation worse and yes people who believed in his fast talk, voted for him, based on his word. This is why there are debates and votes. We have a great election process and the people get to decide the fate and live with the consequences. Give the people of America some credit other than they only voted because someone is black. I voted for W twice, I supported the first stages on war. I hated the Clinton Administration. But at least Obama told us something that we wanted/needed to hear. Romney promised a change, Obama promised a change and McCain promised us that Obama was a poor candidate.
America made it's bed and whatever the results are with Obama, we have to live with that. Trust that American's are doing the same as you and voting for what we feel is best for the country and if we are wrong, we will vote the next time differently.
Just because my candidate doesnt win doesnt mean your canidate is the devil and vice versa. It just means that more people saw more hope in your candidate and the votes proved it.