@Marco Fiore As many have already suggested, it's all about exposure. How many people know what you do and think you're good at it? Figure out the most natural ways to you on getting the word out, whether that's in person, social media, youtube, tiktok, onlyfans (kidding...maybe?), or some combination thereof. For me I've largely leveraged my personal Facebook account and have found almost all of my clients in my sphere of influence.
I got my agent's license almost 10 years ago, became a broker 5 years ago when I started Yeh Area Realty, and only recently did I get off my lazy *** to put my own website together, largely spurred by a new agent that joined my team and beat me to it :D. Prior to that, the only marketing I did was treating every client I have like they're royalty (responding in minutes not hours), advising them from a wholistic approach, not just as their broker, getting them a ridiculous closing gift, and asking them to leave a review for me on Zillow. I then dropped a simple bitly hyperlink to my Zillow reviews page in my email and over the years it's been clicked on over 2,500 times. Then when I went to create my website recently, I was able to draw on those reviews to add content.
All it takes is hustle and a little bit of foresight. Report back in this thread when you go big time and let us know how you did it ;)