First, everyone who responded to this post has great answers. Here's my two cents...
Question 1: Who's heard of those deals where the seller had 20 other mailers on the table and they just happened to like the person's mailer they called? I hear about that all the time...
Question 2: When you need a solution, are seeking information, or want to buy a product, where do you go first? Do you look in your mailbox, or go look for a sign on the road? Of course not! You go online first! Everybody does!! And that's why PPC and SEO strategies are becoming so much more effective these days. Ask yourself, of all the direct mail you receive in your own mailbox every week, how much of it do you actually read? Now compare that to how many times your searched Google and read those answers... PPC ads are only clicked on by people interested in the ad, whereas mailer go to people who may have no interest at all. You only pay for PPC ads that are clicked on, whereas you pay for all mailers sent, regardless of interest.
I've been running online ads (PPC) for 4 years now and I can tell you it works. And it doesn't have to take you much time, unless you want to have full control of every aspect of it yourself. There are plenty of companies out there that will do PPC ads for you, per your criteria and specificiations. There are even those that specialize in ads for real estate leads. YOU DON'T HAVE TO BE TECHY TO RUN ONLINE ADS. You just have to be business-minded... And, IF IT MAKES YOU MONEY (and it's legal, of course), IT'S WORTH THE COST OF WHATEVER IT IS.
I formed an LLC a couple years ago that runs online ads for investors, agents, managers, etc. If you'd like more information about, feel free to message me.
Good luck and happy investing!