Seems hardly anyone is actually answering your question but just telling you to hire a PM. Most of the reasons people are giving for hiring a property manager are the same for when you are local or not. While yes it is more difficult to manage when you are far away, it is only so because you lose that safety net of being able to drive over to deal with something if there is an emergency. My point of view is going to be a bit different than others because of my background so first here is some background info. I have been doing property management for around 25 years. I even started, built and then sold a successful property management company. So I have experience doing pm and don't mind it as "it is what I do". I own properties in AZ and a few years ago I started selling some of them here and buying in Oregon. Everything I own is either Long Term residential rentals or commercial (office, retail). When we were first looking at buying up there those thoughts were one that we were asking ourselves. It is a 2 day drive to get there and even flying is takes more than a half a day. Whenever there were repairs on our properties I used to do a lot of those repairs myself. I have learned to do a lot of different things on houses over the years. However I started to realize that other than leasing I no longer did any of that. In fact most of the time the most I do physically on a property is drive by it. If a tenant messages me about an issue I just message or call my vendor and give them the address and tenants name and number and have them take care of it. The vendor goes there, tells me the problem and price to fix it and I give them the go ahead. Most of my vendors I trust and often give them basic instructions before hand such as if it is A or B just fix it if anything else let me know.
So the key thing is to have good vendors that you can call to go out and do the work. As far as leasing goes, my properties that are far away are all small multi tenant properties (2-5 units) so the few times that I have needed to lease it, when I was not there doing the renovation, I have been able to get one of my other tenants there to help out in showing it. (If you had to hire someone to lease it that would not be bad and I expect some day I will; and I already have a couple of people who know they are on my list for that.) I have not actually used a leasing sign up there yet as I just advertise on zillow and a local facebook group for rentals since they are in very small cities (10,000 people). If you need to have a place to hold things like a few signs or misc things then look at getting a small shed on the edge of one of your properties that you can keep locked and have your stuff in it. This also works well for extra flooring, paint, tile, cabinet knobs, etc.
With all of that said the first thing to consider is are you cut out to manage your own properties? A lot of people are not, as you can see by a lot of the comments above where they give all of the reasons as to why they would never manage their own properties; and that is perfectly fine as I would not have been able to build my property management company if everyone managed their own properties. Also some people have very busy jobs or just don't want to take the time to do it. This is the same for other things. I have a neighbor that didn't want to hassle to sell their 55" tv that they just replaced so he was going to just thow it out because he is to busy and that is not his personality. I am a sales person so I love selling things so I grabbed it from him, listed it on facebook and a few days later I had $150 in my pocket. The analogy my seem weird but it is really the same thing.
To counter a few of the reasons people have give to just hire a pm:
Is the stress really worth like $150/mth? - When a property goes bad it is very much worth it to have a pm to deal with the issue. However 90% of the time that is not the case. Also if you have 5 units that is $750/mth. So to me $9,000 a year becomes worth a lot.
PMs have screening and background checks. - My application is thru my PM software and it also has the same screenings and background checks. Even zillow's application does most of that.
The '2 am toilet call' - If this is a STR my response would not apply. - Even as part of my management company where we managed over 400 rental houses, unless it was a true emergency such as a broken water line, dangerous electrical hazard such as sparking lines, a gas line leak, etc we did not deal with emergencies in the middle of the night. We always had someone on call for emergencies and 90+% of the time the emergency was for their AC going out in the summer (Phoenix, AZ) or heater going out in a nasty winter storm. We would still get some other calls but most of them were told we would call a vendor out in the morning. Yes you can get that horrible tenant that will say everything is an emergency, but they are a very small minority. Also fixing the property up right and doing the repairs right and not just bandaiding them helps prevent a lot of repair calls.
To sum it up, are you very comfortable with managing properties yourself in general? Get good reliable vendors that you can call and count on. If self managing is not a fit for your personality then don't fight it and hire a pm. (Not a fit is probably more than 60% of the population.) It is not worth the stress that it causes those personalities.
There are more details that I can go into but this is already long enough or too long.