First, whether we want to accept it or not, covid is real. Two people in my network have died, one older (late 60s) and one young (late 20s).
Are the odds high that your guests are going to catch covid from your property? Probably not, (although that varies geographically). And of that group that might catch it, will they die? Also unlikely.
Does that mean, we shouldn't take preventative measures to keep our guests safe or that it's unfair for Airbnb to impose regulations? Absolutely not.
I like your drunk driver analogy, and let me take it in another direction. Think about it this way: if I go out and crush a six-pack, drive home, and get there safely with no accident, does that mean that I made a smart decision or made the right choice? No. It means that I got lucky. Just because the result was me getting home safely, doesnt justify me ignoring the safety precautions.
If I host people in my home via Airbnb, ignore their protocols, and my guests never catch covid, did I make the right choice? No. It means I got lucky. Again, the probability isn't the issue as much as taking steps to play it safe.
Can Airbnb check to ensure we meet these new covid requirements? Some maybe, but it seems most are on the honor system.
It's in the host's hands to decide whether they want to abide by the rules or not, just as Airbnb has the right to implement them in the first place on their marketplace (to protect themselves from liability).
If we want to follow the rules, great. If we want to ignore them, go for it. But know that we run the risk, no matter how small it may be of someone getting sick and then we get sued. Rules or not, in my opinion, take whatever measures you can to ensure the safety of your guests without putting an undue burden on yourself.
Most of the measures on the Airbnb list seem "easy" to assign to your cleaning staff. What's a few more things to add to their list? Maybe you pay them a bit more for the time it takes to execute, but in the bigger picture, this wont impact your margin all that much.
Consider how much $$ you'll lose by de-listing from Airbnb. If you'll lose more than you'll spend by following the rules, regardless of your personal opinion or desire to keep your guests safe, your decision should be an easy one.