@Jessica Sultani as it stands, my core focus is buy-and-hold, and I've never flipped a property. That said, if I came across a property that appeared to be an amazing flip, I'd do it.
I'll let other more experienced flippers chime in here, but I'd have to say that my take is "it depends". Terrible answer, I know. It depends on how much capital you have (aka, do you need a mortgage), how quickly you can identify properties with solid flip potential, how great a your contractor is, and how long it takes for you to execute.
With that in mind, especially when starting, I would not suggest flipping multiple properties at once. Learning as you go, one renovation is going to be crazy enough to deal with, let alone two or more. I suggest going slow and steady to start and minimize room for error. Find a great agent, find a great contractor, and start looking at properties.
To put things in some perspective, I closed on my last property in mid June, and it needed a lot of work. The renovation is almost complete. When all is said and done, the renovation will have taken about 3 months.
If you can find a property in a month, close on it in a month, fix it in two, and flip it in one, that's 5 months. So, I think flipping more than 2 in your first year is going to be tough, but again, I don't flip, so just doing a little back-of-the-napkin math for you. Yes, you can certainly do things faster than 5 months with experience, but as this is your first one, I wouldnt rush it. Realistically, 1 in your first year would be a win in my book.
Good luck!