@Eric X. 안녕하세요? 혹시 한국사람있나요? I appreciate your fast response and thank you for some key indicators to look for when moving. I have considered Arizona, Texas and Tennessee which you mentioned. Thanks.
@George Skidis Thank you so much for you super detailed breakdown of some things to consider when coming back. I love that you mentioned VIP Kids, I have some prior experience with a similar company, smart idea! Also Medishare, I am very familiar with and will be considering that when coming back. Thanks again for you high attention to important details.
@Joseph Cacciapaglia
@Noah Chappell Thanks Noah, I still have family in MN and would love to meet up if I am back in the area.
@Chris Magma The delivery here is incredible! What were you doing here? Teaching?
@Eric Armstrong Solid thought!
@Ron Richter California and New York have never been on my list. :)
@Rod Hanks Thank you Rod.
@Rose White 안녕하십니까? 애틀랜타에는 많은 한국인들이 있어요. 왜요? ㅋㅋ
Thank you and appreciate your insights on the market in Atlanta. 그리고 제 한국 이름이 현우입니다. :)
@Account Closed Thanks!
@Alice Huang Thank you for your international expertise. I agree with your response on having a desire to live somewhere over the "best" place to live and invest in.
Also, I will check into a 1040NR as I want to streamline things before I get back. Thank you.
@Zeke Liston Thank you Zeke!